
The OA Adopt-a-Sis program is up and running once again after challenges from COVID! Mrs. Gregg and Sr. Andre have worked together to keep this program alive. There are currently 104 students and 21 Sisters in the program.

The program was started over 20 years ago as a club for students to "adopt a Sister" in order to get to know her and to do some kind deeds for her. In return, the Sisters somewhat "adopt" the students and minister to them. It is a time for the students and the Sisters to spend time together and learn about one another. They pray for one another, and they write notes to one another.

Additionally, the students have lunch once a month with their Sisters. There are also two larger celebrations planned each year; we will end the school year with our end-of-year celebration (usually Bingo and ice cream).

Giving the gift of time is indeed a precious gift!